There are obvious benefits to the employee of working from home.
However the negatives to the company are too significant to ignore.
In every turnaround of a distressed company I have fixed, the absence of face-to-face cross-functional communication was glaringly absent.
Cross-functional communication is defined as employees from every function meeting as a group on a regular basis to discuss anything affecting the company’s performance including: priorities, problems, issues, creating new opportunities, etc. These functions or departments include: sales, marketing, accounting, manufacturing, engineering and human resources.
Effective cross-functional communication starts at the top with the Chief Executive Officer. A successful CEO must meet regularly with direct reports, as well as with lower organizational levels. The organizational tiers below the CEO level must meet regularly. The meetings should include a mix of officers, managers and individual contributors. Depending on the issues and their severity, by meeting regularly I suggest weekly.
Cross-functional communication must be done face-to-face. In person communication simply provides the most honest, candid, productive exchange.
Whether problem solving or evaluation of a new opportunity some people will not express their opinions openly in a meeting. There are many factors for this hesitation to share thoughts, including basic modesty, shyness, uncomfortable speaking publicly, pecking order politics, etc. Successful managers must be able to read a team, recognize the body language and facial expressions of a person reluctant or shy to express themselves and have the skill to draw the person out – get them to open up.
This is very hard to do at a distance via conference calls and other contemporary technology. It simply cannot be done relying on Zoom calls.
A further complication of employees not working in the company’s offices is the elimination of informal communication. Employees frequently stop to chat informally in a hallway or someone’s office to further discuss an issue important to the company. Occasionally in these informal meetings a solution is formed.
The staff of any company working exclusively from home will negatively affect creativity, problem resolution and company performance.
Goldman Sachs lifts all COVID protocols, orders staff to return to office full-time